The purpose for forming Native Fish Coalition was to address issues that fall through the cracks, and turn partial solutions into total solutions. Our goal is to work with like-minded entities to best utilize our skills and resources to promote meaningful reform even when that means challenging the status quo, and to bridge the gap between fish and water conservation organizations, as well as other groups.

We are part of a small but rapidly growing group of like-minded advocates who are committed to protecting, preserving, and restoring our wild native fish. That shared vision and the structure of our organization allows us to achieve consensus and act quickly and decisively to protect this invaluable and irreplaceable resource.

Native Fish Coalition sees no issue as too big or too small, too easy or too challenging. We use information and education, research, habitat restoration and enhancement, reclamation, and regulations to promote complete and long-term solutions. While concessions are sometimes necessary, we will not agree to ineffective or dangerous compromises, quick fixes, or temporary solutions. We see education, negotiation, public advocacy, and legislation as important tools for achieving our objectives.

We have assembled a group of experienced advocates who have dedicated themselves to understanding the many threats facing our native fish and the most effective ways to combat those threats. It is our intent to find common ground wherever possible and work with as many organizations, government agencies, businesses and clubs as we can. If you feel as we do, we would greatly appreciate your support. No donation or offer of help is too small or too large.