NFC supports this regulation change aligned with Quebec’s efforts to restore and maximize the wild native lake trout population…
Read MoreNFC was planning to support LD 77 as originally submitted…NFC does not support LD 77 with the proposed amendment because there is no funding allocated for wild native fish…
Read MoreNFC believes that C&R and restricted ALO are the best way to maintain natural abundance and size/age distribution, and that this should be a goal of any wild native trout program…
Read MoreThe proposal would change the three ponds protected under the Wild Trout Management Program from catch & release to a two-fish limit...
Read MoreManaged accordingly, [wild native brook trout] can provide consistent and reliable fishing that cannot be found elsewhere in NH and in many other states...
Read MoreThe last thing Maine needs is more stocked brook trout ponds, especially in areas surrounded by wild native brook trout waters...
Read MoreProtecting nonnative species in a State Heritage Fish Water is not consistent with the purpose of the law…
Read MoreWe believe that the current Environmental Impact Statement does not accurately reflect the impact…
Read MoreNFC believes that this project is critical in regard to restoring and reconnecting important habitat for native fish and other aquatic life…
Read MoreThis letter serves as formal support from Native Fish Coalition (NFC) of the Rhode Island Chapter of Trout Unlimited’s (RITU) goal…
Read MoreNFC requests that the “waste of game” law be expanded to include all native fish, both game species and non-game species…
Read MoreStocking hatchery lake trout over self-sustaining native lake trout in a high quality wild native brook trout water that is just five years away from State Heritage Fish designation…
Read MoreWhile National NFC originally supported HB1417-FN, we have withdrawn our support…
Read MoreMA NFC encourages the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to take action to address the decline in striped bass stocks…
Read MoreNFC encourages the Commission to take decisive action to address the current status of the striped bass fishery, and adopt all measures which will increase the chance of rebuilding the stock by the 2029 target date…
Read MoreWhen NFC learned of a proposal by Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation in regard to including so-called “shoot and release” bowfishing in the daily bag limit for the species, we could not in good faith ignore it…
Read MoreThis sends the wrong message, and the way it was done was contrary to the intent of Maine’s rule-making laws…
Read MoreAs National Board members for Native Fish Coalition, we feel compelled to respond to some misleading statements about the organization and our positions pertaining to wild refuges and the proposed Buffalo Creek project…
Read MoreNative Fish Coalition’s mission is intrinsically relevant to the removal of the Watertown Dam as it obstructs numerous native fish species from fulfilling their intended life cycles including but not limited to: short nose sturgeon, river herring, American eel, American shad, and lamprey. The removal of this dam is vital in ensuring the restoration and preservation of these native fish species…
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