NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard Chimes in on Proposed New Hampshire Regulation Changes...

For years I have said that NH has fallen behind in regard to the protection and management of wild native trout...

NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard has fished in New Hampshire for roughly 50 years. After a decade just over the NH border in Massachusetts and a decade in NH, Bob now resides in Maine, a state with the most intact wild native brook trout resources in the country, and exponentially more than NH when it comes to lakes, ponds, and rivers.

While New Hampshire NFC will be submitting a formal position challenging the liberalization of regulations on Wild Trout Management waters, as a lifelong NH angler, former NH resident, and member of NH NFC’s Advisory Council, Bob felt compelled to opine personally as well.

Bob came at it from a slightly different angle than NH NFC taking advantage of his years of experience as an angler, hands-on familiarity with NH’s fisheries, position in the recreational fishing industry, and someone who has been involved in fishing and fish advocacy for more than twenty-five years.

Wild native brook trout cost the state nothing. Managed accordingly, they can provide consistent and reliable fishing that cannot be found elsewhere in NH and in many other states...