NH NFC Chimes in on Proposed New Hampshire Regulation Changes...
“The proposal would change the three ponds protected under the Wild Trout Management Program from catch & release to a two-fish limit. It is unclear what will happen to the thirteen streams currently protected under WTM... ”
New Hampshire NFC has lobbied longer and harder than anyone else to try to save the states invaluable and effective, but faltering, Wild Trout Management program. Local trout conservation organizations and others worked against NFC, opting instead to put their trust in the powers that be. We are now looking at the removal of the only 3 ponds so designated from WTM, and the status of the 13 streams is uncertain…
“Waters managed under WTM represent the only places in the state where wild native brook trout are managed for natural abundance and age distribution... ”

“Wild brook trout can be negatively impacted by many factors, some of which we have no control over. Angler harvest is one of the few factors we can control... ”
A WTM sign lying on the ground much like the program itself…