An overview of NFC. Who we are, what we stand for, what we do, and how we do it…
Read MoreNative Fish Coalition believes that conservation starts with information and education. We feel strongly that an informed public is more likely…
Read MoreUnlike most state wild trout programs, Maine’s State Heritage Fish program is a law not a policy. It is also the most widely applied wild or native trout program in the country…
Read MoreThe culmination of two years of field work at Trout Brook in Dover, Massachusetts…
Read MoreNFC is looking to restore the the riparian area through tree-panting…
Read MoreNFC deployed 2 temperature loggers, one upstream and one downstream of a small timber cut, to dtermine what impact the tree removal was having on the stream…
Read MoreNFC undertook a season-long temperature monitoring effort in 2023 on Applebee Brook…
Read MoreThe results of 2023 season-long temperature monitoring on MA NFC project water, Trout Brook in Dover.
Read MoreIn most states, wild native brook trout in rivers and streams are afforded the least protection of any salmonid and many other game species, including stocked and nonnative fish…
Read MoreAn overview and status of New Hampshire’s Wild Trout Management program...
Read MoreA presentation showing how Vermont stacks up against other eastern states in regard to protecting wild native brook trout…
Read MoreAn overview of a proposal to replace a culvert on Applebee Brook in Carroll, New Hampshire…
Read MoreAn overview of a proposal to remove the dam at the outlet of so-called “Breeder Pond” in Franconia Notch, New Hampshire…
Read MoreAn overview of how New Hampshire defines “brook trout.” Currently a multi-species definition, NFC would like to see this changed to reflect brook trout only, and the creation of a general term for “trout.” for rules…
Read MoreAn overview of the number of stocking waypoints, physical locations, being proposed for suspension in New Hampshire…
Read MoreA proposal by a coalition of conservation groups and individuals to a address a legal loophole that allows Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and Department of Marine Resources to not list federally listed species at the state level.
Read MoreAn overview of what NFC would like to see in regard to how New Hampshire classifies brook trout…
Read MoreIce-out is also an environmental indicator. While year-to-year variances are meaningless, multi-year trends can be an indication of changes in weather patterns. They can also be an indicator of a warming or cooling climate…
Read MoreThe following outlines how Vermont would stack up against other states under a proposal to reduce the daily limit on brook trout in rivers and streams from 12-fish to 8-fish…
Read MoreAn overview of what NFC is doing and where in regard to no-live-fish-as-bait signage on state-owned land in Maine…
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