The culmination of two years of field work at Trout Brook in Dover, Massachusetts…
Read MoreTrout Brook without brook trout would be like Deer Valley without deer, Bear Mountain without bears, and Loon Lake without loons…
Read MoreNFC founding member, Maine inaugural chair and first state chair, original National Vice Chair, and now National Chair, Emily Bastian, is currently the subject of an advertisement put out by LL Bean...
Read MoreThere are some general observations we would like to share in regard to the section of stream from the dam at Channings Pond upstream to the headwaters...
Read MoreNFC Executive Director talks native fish, native fish conservation, Native Fish Coalition, and fishing and fish conservation in general with the folks at Fish Nerds…
Read MoreThe results of 2023 season-long temperature monitoring on MA NFC project water, Trout Brook in Dover.
Read MoreMA NFC encourages the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to take action to address the decline in striped bass stocks…
Read MoreNative Fish Coalition’s mission is intrinsically relevant to the removal of the Watertown Dam as it obstructs numerous native fish species from fulfilling their intended life cycles including but not limited to: short nose sturgeon, river herring, American eel, American shad, and lamprey. The removal of this dam is vital in ensuring the restoration and preservation of these native fish species…
Read MoreIn most states, wild native brook trout in rivers and streams are afforded the least protection of any salmonid and many other game species, including stocked and nonnative fish…
Read MoreNFC’s mission is especially relevant to the Charles River watershed since our focus is not limited to native salmonids but includes all our freshwater and diadromous species…
Read MoreNational NFC along with our Massachusetts and Connecticut chapters wrote into Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) in regard to the proposed regulations for the Beaver River…
Read MoreNational NFC and all chapters signed onto a letter authored by the Endangered Species Coalition (ESC) that was sent to President Biden…
Read MoreNFC recognizes the biological and economic importance of the Atlantic striped bass and believes that restoring a healthy stock across made up of many year classes is vitally important…
Read MoreAll seven NFC chapters submitted letters to their respective US Representatives and Senators encouraging the the former to continue their support of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA), and requesting that the latter to pass the legislation.…
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