Trout Brook: Final Report (Findings and Recommendations)...
“Following the 2007 surveys Trout Brook wasn’t surveyed again until 2021. No trout were found in 2021 which raised some serious concerns...”
“Water temperatures in Trout Brook during the summer have risen to levels unsuitable for Brook Trout in many areas and the brook has become more or less a series of relatively shallow, slow-flowing, silt-bottomed swamps...”
After two years of extensive research, fieldwork, data collection, and analysis, NFC has consolidated our findings in regard to the status of Trout Brook in Dover, Massachusetts, and its namesake wild native brook trout.
The results don’t look good for the stream itself or the brook trout that once called it home, as well as other lifeforms that require cold clean water and gravel substraight. Left unaddressed, the situation will likely get worse not better.
It will take a community wide effort to improve the situation at Trout Brook and restore the coldwater ecosystsem and wild native brook trout. Without the support of the town, landowners, conservation non-profits, and volunteers, Trout Brook will continue to decline…
“The recent developments do not bode well for the continued presence of wild Brook Trout in Trout Brook...”
refer to the presentation below for additional information about trout brook.
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“Trout Brook without brook trout would be like Deer Valley without deer, Bear Mountain without bears, and Loon Lake without loons. It would be an epitaph to our failure to protect and preserve a unique and important natural resource...”
Left unaddressed, this is how the story will likely end…