GARY CORSON was a Maine brook trout advocate of unmatched knowledge, accomplishment, and influence.  Few if any have done as much for the state’s wild native brook trout as Gary. When it comes to lake- and pond-dwelling wild native brook trout, no one ever cared more or knew more. Gary could have been a household name in Maine and abroad if he wanted to be.  But he chose to work quietly and behind the scenes.  With the exception of Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IFW) meetings and legislative hearings, Gary rarely spoke publicly.  But he lived and breathed brook trout and dedicated an immeasurable amount of time to their preservation. Gary worked hard to get Maine’s heralded State Heritage Fish law passed. Without his involvement, it would not have happened. Gary was also a well-known backcountry guide and recipient of Maine’s Wiggie Robinson Legendary Maine Guide Award. He was instrumental in regard to getting fall fishing in Maine expanded, but only for stocked fish.  Gary maintained his own Maine brook trout lake and pond database.  He merged data from multiple sources, including inserting regulations from the fishing law book.  He incorporated GIS data and notes from personal experience and historic records.  Gary had an online library of fishing law books going back a generation or more.  While he willingly answered questions, he guarded his data closely out of fear that it would be misrepresented or misused. As his health declined, Gary gave his database and other documents to NFC so they would outlive him and help support wild native brook trout conservation initiatives for years to come. Thank you for all you did Mr. Corson…