Support for NFC...

Since our inception, I have personally responded to every NFC membership, donation, schwag sale, and inquiry. As a rule, I clear my email every night before going to bed. This morning I woke to 9 new memberships, and after clearing my email just 6 or so hours earlier.

We are humbled by the ongoing and broad support NFC has received, and hopeful due to the increased acceptance of, and support for the “wild native fish” message we are seeing. We can’t thank folks enough for supporting what we do, and enabling our efforts.

Fish conservation is moving beyond “wild” and beyond gamefish. While the salmon conservation folks have had it right for years for the most part, many of those advocating for other species have been working under a model in need of updating, and our non-game species have gotten virtually no support at all, figuratively speaking.

The same can be said for water-quality and aquatic ecosystem conservation. While clean water and healthy riparian areas are critical to healthy watersheds, what lives there and doesn’t live there is equally important. We need to get more “fishy” if we are to attain true watershed health.

Membership in Native Fish Coalition is one way that you can support what we do, while also showing your support for this new, exciting, and growing fish and aquatic ecosystem conservation movement.

You can join NFC via our membership/donation portal, or our online store which accepts PayPal as well as credit cards. You can also send a check to Native Fish Coalition, PO Box 10, Pownal, ME 04069.

Again, we can’t thank you enough for your support, and for your support of wild native fish.

Bob Mallard, Executive Director

Bob MallardComment