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EAMONN POWERS is originally from just outside of Boston, Massachusetts.  He has fished throughout Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine.  While Eamonn’s favorite species are brook trout and landlocked salmon, he also fishes for striped bass.  Eamon attends Penn State University.  He is a Wildlife and Fisheries Science Major with a concentration in Fisheries Science and a minor in Watersheds and Water Resources.  Eamonn is also the President of the Penn State Fly Fishing Club.  In the summer of 2020, Eamonn performed an internship with NFC partner, Downeast Salmon Federation (DSF) in Maine.  While working with DSF, he built RFID antenna arrays to support a joint DSF/NFC sea-run fish study in Downeast Maine.  The goal of the study is to ascertain whether fish move between streams in a multi-stream bay system.  Eamonn can be reached at Info@nativefishcoalition.org