RADFORD SWENT was raised in Greenville, South Carolina, and has been fishing and paddling the Carolinas since he was young. Radford obtained a B.S. in mathematics from the United States Military Academy in 2021, focusing his data science research on stream characteristics in the South Carolina Lowcountry most associated with healthy wild native fish populations. While at West Point, Radford joined the fly fishing club, exposing him to the heavily altered nonnative fisheries of the Catskills. When he came home from college in 2019, Radford expected to fish for stocked trout. However, he became enamored with rare wild native stream-resident Bartram’s bass, and is now committed to helping preserve these fish as well as wild native brook trout and other native fish found in the state. Radford can be reached at Info@NativeFishCoalition.org.