Maine NFC Posts Atlantic Salmon Signs in Downeast Maine


Volunteers from the Maine chapter of Native Fish Coalition went to Downeast Maine this weekend to get some more Atlantic salmon informational signs up before the weather shuts us down for the winter. NFC posted 12 signs at various locations on the Pleasant, Machias, and Narraguagus Rivers.

We were concerned that the lack of signage on Maine’s Atlantic salmon rivers could be taken to mean that folks had given up on Atlantic salmon, which is hardly the case.

While those who live and breath salmon such as Downeast Salmon Federation and Atlantic Salmon Federation work diligently to try to save these dangerously imperiled fish, there is an entire generation who have never fished for or even seen a wild Atlantic salmon. These are the people we need to reach as they are the future. And it never hurts to remind those that already know what we are trying to do and why.