ME NFC Chimes in on MDIFW Management Plan
The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife recently published a draft 2021–2035 Statewide Fisheries Management Plan for public review and input. This comprehensive draft includes three lengthy documents:
Volume I: Managing Maine’s Inland Fisheries into the Future
Volume II: Fisheries and Hatcheries Division Structure, Responsibilities, and Operations
Volume III: Species Assessments
ME NFC reviewed the package and commented accordingly. In general, the document serves as a good framework, as well as a repository for information that is not always easy to find. The document will also serve as a tracking mechanism in regard to what is and is not done going forward.
NFC feels strongly that there is not enough firm commitment to change, and that there are too many outs in regard to protecting wild native fish. There is too much emphasis on “fishing” and not enough on “fish,” and stocking often appears as a top priority.
“In some cases, the Plan uses the term “native” to describe a species that is native to the state but not necessarily native to specific waters: “Landlocked Atlantic salmon are native to Maine and are highly desired by recreational anglers” (Vol.1, Pg.35). NFC sees this as a potentially confusing and misleading statement. The term native should only be used to define fish that are native to a specific water.”