Maine Endangered Redfin Pickerel Receive Protective Regulations...
In spring 2023, the Maine chapter of NFC discovered that there were no protections for state endangered redfin pickerel. By not being specifically noted in the fishing rules, redfin pickerel were subject to unlimited harvest and no length limit:
NFC notified Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in regard to the lack of protective regulations for state endangered redfin pickerel. NFC’s position was that MDIFW was in violation of Maine Endangered Species Act (MESA) in regard to “take” of listed species.
“For the purposes of this section and section 12808‑A, “to take,” “take” and “taking” mean the act or omission that results in the death of any endangered or threatened species. [PL 2015, c. 423, §1 (AMD).]
1. Prohibited acts regarding endangered or threatened species; negligence. Except as provided in section 12808‑A, a person may not negligently:
B. Hunt, take, trap, harass or possess any endangered or threatened species within the State. A person who violates this paragraph commits a Class E crime, for which a fine of $1,000 must be adjudged, none of which may be suspended; [PL 2019, c. 267, §1 (AMD).]”
NFC met with MDIFW to discuss redfin pickerel and other issues. During the meeting, MDIFW stated that they were in compliance with MESA, a position NFC did not agree with, and that no action would be taken.
Early on, NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard wrote an article in Bangor Daily News that brought the issue public. A second article by Mallard written after meeting with MDIFW offered specific actions in regard to the lack of protections for endangered redfin pickerel .
A few weeks after meeting with MDIFW, NFC received notification via a general department email that they had reversed course and were proposing to amend the fishing rules to prohibit the take of redfin pickerel and other state listed species:
MDIFW included the changes to redfin pickerel in a large rule-change package representing all changes proposed for 2024. During the legally mandated public write-in period, in-person public hearing, and Advisory Council meeting, there was no opposition to the redfin rule change:
Today, NFC got word via a MDIFW general email notification that the proposed changed in regard to redfin pickerel cleared the legal and policy requirements and is now law.
This serves as a reminder that while you don't always get what you ask for when you ask for it, positive changes often come to fruition after things settle down.