We recently created a blog post entitled, “WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?” It talked about a multi-state multi-organization/agency northeast based conservation group, Fish Lead Free, that works to protect loons from lead poisoning caused mortality caused by discarded and lost fishing tackle.

Our issue was the use of a non-native brown trout on the banner of their website. As NFC has said from the start, we need to get non-fish conservation organizations on board in regard to native fish if we are to make any real progress. NFC saw this as a great opportunity to try to do so.

As part of our effort to address their messaging, NFC reached out to several of the organizations represented on the website. Two got back to us immediately, and where not only interested in what we said, but were willing to work with us to address it.

After a few emails that included a request from a representative for the group for some pictures of native brook trout, a contact person from Maine Audubon removed the nonnative brown trout picture and replaced it with a few native brook trout pictures.

NFC sees this as a step in the right direction in regard to messaging, as well as helping non-fish conservation groups understand what is and is not native and why it matters. Kudos to those at Fish Lead Free for stepping up for our wild native fish.