MDIFW Proposed Stocking Nonnative Brown Trout in Patrick Lake

Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) is proposing to stock nonnative brown trout in Patrick Lake in Downeast Maine. Patrick Lake is in the headwaters of the East Machias River, home to federally endangered Atlantic salmon, and part of the federally designated Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment (DPS).

A previous brown trout stocking program in Patrick Lake was suspended in 2005 due to public concerns about Atlantic salmon. The lake has not been stocked with any species since. Patrick Lake is a warmwater pond with nonnative bass. MDIFW admits the stocking program would result in limited additional use, and that the brown trout stocking was requested by a “local angler.”

MDIFW acknowledges everything noted above in their formal stocking proposal. This raises some serious questions as to their environmental, and economic, priorities.

IFW Stocking Proposal.jpg