Protocol for Managing State Chapter Projects
This policy is intended to ensure that all NFC projects are managed in an effective and efficient manner that is consistent across the organization.
Most NFC projects are managed at the state chapter level. This includes muti-state projects which while they have national guidelines and templates, are still typically administered at the state chapter level.
Any member of an NFC State Board can submit project proposals. That person will serve as the primary intra-state contact in regard to defining the goals, issues and concerns, location, stakeholders, potential partners, budget and costs to NFC, and how the chapter would be involved.
All proposals should first be made to the State Chair, with a copy sent to the National Regional Vice Chair. The State Chair will review the proposal, and if warranted, meaning it has merit and is within mission, submit it to the rest of the State Board for review and comment. (State Advisory Council members should not be consulted until a project has received tentative approval from the Executive Director.)
Once vetted at the chapter level, a project overview will be submitted to the Executive Director for review and tentative approval.
If approved, the State Board member will submit a summary project plan to the State Chair with recommended start dates, participants, partners, budget, etc. for review. The State Board can consult with the State Advisory Council at this time.
A high-level project summary will be submitted to the Executive Director for review, comment, input, follow-up, and approval. The assumption is that the State Chair will work with the Executive Director to address any concerns they may have.
The project lead will draft a project plan and timeline, funding strategy, potential partners, including all state board members who would volunteer to participate.
The detailed project plan will then go to the Executive Director for review, comment, modification where requested, and final approval.
Projects will be scheduled based on time and resource constraints as well as timeliness.
Project updates and supporting photos, graphs, etc., will be provided to the Executive Director every month as part of a routine chapter status update and to support blogging.