It's Official...
Right to Left: SAM Executive Director David Trahan, ME NFC Chair Emily Bastian, and MDIFW Commissioner Chandler Woodcock.
The Maine chapter of Native Fish Coalition, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and Sportsman's Alliance of Maine met at MDIFW headquarters in Augusta, Maine, to formally kick-off our joint Arctic Charr informational sign initiative. Pictured left to right are SAM Executive Director David Trahan, ME NFC Chair Emily Bastian, and MDIFW Commissioner Chandler Woodcock. These signs, paid for by NFC, will be going up at 10 of the 11 Arctic charr waters in ME open to fishing, the 11th having a unique set of regulations. Thanks to MDIFW and SAM for helping make this happen. Special thanks goes to Emily Bastian for her months of hard work to make these important informational signs a reality.
Prototype Sign...