Vermont NFC board member David Wein and his son Eli recently drove to Brattleboro, Vermont, to post informational sturgeon signs…
Read MoreIn many ways, Maine is what New Hampshire used to be. And New Hampshire is what Maine could become if we are not careful…
Read MoreIn fact, it is possible that nothing in the watershed is as it originally was…
Read MoreWhile beavers are part of the natural order, sans any natural predators, and in the case of Massachusetts a prohibition on recreational trapping, abundance can become an issue…
Read MoreToday, in sections where it is still open to the air, Cold Stream Brook looks more like a drainage ditch than a natural stream…
Read MoreThe current edition of the NFC newsletter spotlights projects from Georgia, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts…
Read MoreI took a water temperature reading. Amazingly, like the Roach, it was an astounding 65 degrees…
Read MoreThis mobilized the powers that be to act to save a road that never should have been built in the first place…
Read MoreI want to end my season with a memory, not just another fish...
Read MoreWith an overall length of 20" and a hoop size of 12” by 9.5”, this net is ideal for stream bass…
Read MoreTaking out a lifetime membership with an Epic fly rod helps NFC raise money while giving you a state of the art fly rod…
Read MoreNorthwoods has been a great supporter of NFC and wild native fish, including sponsoring the highly uccessful Heritage Waters IPA…
Read MoreJust in, rugged, double wall, vacuum insulated, 18/8 stainless steel, BPA free, 16oz, NFC logo travel mug…
Read MoreThe wild native brook trout Big Spring Creek in central Pennsylvania have suffered just about every indignity a fish population can…
Read MoreRough fish play an important role in our aquatic ecosystems. They provide forage for game species, and can help keep other species, including nonnatives numbers in check…
Read MoreAngling in and of itself does not hurt fisheries, at least to the degree that the population is notably affected. As we all know, it’s harvest that changes the population dynamics...
Read MoreMembers of the Maine and New Hampshire chapters of NFC tabled at Oxbow Brewing Company’s All-Species Fly Fishing Tournament...
Read MoreThese folks will be faced with a much different set of ecological, economic, and social issues than those who came before them...
Read MoreAllowing harvest on all waters as was proposed is akin to restricting all waters to catch and release or fly fishing only. We would never do the latter, nor should we ever do the former...
Read MoreAn NFC supporter recently reached out to let us know that our Maine State Heritage Fish informational sign was spotlighted on a video...
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