VT TU Letters to VT F&W Opposing Salisbury Fish Hatchery Closure

The following is a series of emails sent by Vermont TU to Vermont Fish & Wildlife in regard to the proposed closure of the Salisbury fish hatchery to help address a $500,000 annual budget shortfall as well as avoid a looming $13 million dollar upgrade to address pollution concerns.

VT TU certainly endorses a heightened awareness of wild trout and habitat but we all know the ‘safety net’ and resources provided by state trout hatcheries… This hatchery seems to matter. Let’s keep it.
clarkamadononline.net_02.01.2019_Fwd Salisbury hatchery closure_pages-to-jpg-0001 - Copy.jpg
It [closing the hatchery] will really impact stream fisherman in a big way. I am asking you to contact every chapter in the state and urge them to contact [Governor] phil scott and oppose this. Its time for TU to bite this in the butt.
Please find attached the letter from the Vermont Council of Trout Unlimited to Gov. Scott advocating to keep Salisbury Hatchery open for the near term.
ghagwoodgmail.com_02.28.2019_VT TU Council letter to Gov. Scott Final.docx_pages-to-jpg-0001.jpg
The Vermont Council of Trout Unlimited (VTTU) is not in favor of closing the Salisbury Hatchery at this time... We support finding current and new revenue sources, including a modest increase in fishing and hunting license fees, to delay the closure of the Salisbury Hatchery to lessen the impacts on Vermont fisheries and on our education program, Trout in the Classroom... The proposal to close the Salisbury Hatchery would have a devastating impact on our Trout in the Classroom (TIC) education program.