Maine Catch-and-Release: The Facts

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NFC National Vice Chair Bob Mallard chimed in on the Bangor Daily News in regard to a recent story where Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife was quoted as saying that catch-and-release was harming Maine’s fisheries.

The original column appeared in early August in the Portland Press Herald. It was rebutted in the Bangor Daily News by outdoor writer John Holyoke. In the latter, Mallard was quoted as saying catch-and-release in Maine was under attack and under-supported.

This prompted a letter-to-the-editor where Mallard was challenged as to his assertion that catch-and-release was not fully embraced by Maine Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. In response, Mallard wrote in and put the facts, actual numbers from MDIFW, out there for the readers to see. The numbers do not lie.

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