Custom NFC Western Visions Gear Lanyard

I’ve used gear lanyards for years to keep my fly fishing tools handy and safe. I now own five. -Bob Mallard, Executive Director
Lanyard & Zinger.jpg

NFC recently worked with Western Visions to create a custom NFC gear lanyard. Built using NFC color scheme beads, and sporting an NFC logo on the zinger, this mid-length 4-station lanyard is unique, handsome, useful, and versatile.

Based on their "River” model series of lanyards, it is approximately two inches shorter than their "Headwaters" model, and four inches longer than their “Creek” series. Each side is approximately 12" in length measured from the top bead to the bottom clip. Due to the curve at the bottom, the actual "hanging length" is roughly 10".

The NFC lanyards come with the following features:

  • 9” foam neck tube

  • Adjustable length

  • 2 foam fly patch tubes

  • Horizontal tippet post

  • Zinger

  • Emergency break-away connector

  • Locking gear clips

  • Shirt clip

  • Neck clip

  • Net clip

Retail cost: $60 plus shipping

Quantities will be somewhat limited. Email us at if you are interested in reserving one. Lanyards should start shipping in a couple of weeks.
