It’s time for Maine to Strengthen Protections for Brook Trout (Bangor Daily News)
NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard with the first Maine State Heritage Fish sign posted. Misery Pond, Somerset County.
“No species of fish is more important to Maine than brook trout. They are one of Maine’s signature wildlife, along with moose, loons, and lobsters. Brookies as they are often called, are part of the interior Maine brand, and their presence an indication of a relatively healthy environment. And as noted earlier, Maine is home to several unique brook trout lifeforms.”
NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard talks wild native brook trout protection with the Bangor Daily News. This is the second installment of a three month bi-weekly series on fish conservation. If it does well, meaning the articles get traffic, there may be more.
“When it comes to protecting our State Heritage Fish waters, Maine can and should do more. It’s time for some consistent and meaningful regulations on all our SHF waters, not just those that had protective regulations before the law. And when it comes to adding new waters to the law, the emphasis should be why not, not why.”