NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard Chimes in on Data Collection
Volunteers carry buckets and nets to assist state and federal biologists sample wild native brook trout in New Hampshire. (Bob Mallard)
Note: This article is the first in a series of eight conservation pieces written by Bob Mallard which will appear in MidCurrent over the next year. The series is sponsored by Swift Fly Fishing, makers of Epic Fly Rods with the support of MidCurrent, with part of the proceeds going to NFC to support wild native fish conservation.
“We’ve all seen it, large mammals with electronic collars or ear tags, birds with leg bands, and fish with small antennas sticking out of their bellies or clipped fins. Or maybe you’ve stumbled on one of the many fish weirs, stationary gillnets, fish traps, or fish counting stations strewn across our aquatic landscape.”