250th Maine State Heritage Fish Water Gets Sign


In the roughly 25 months since the project started, as of a few days ago NFC officers, board members, advisory council members; and volunteers have posted one or more State Heritage Fish signs on 250 lakes and ponds in Maine.

The 250th water, Violette Lake in Aroostook County, is about as far north in Maine as you can get. It was posted by volunteer Alex Morrow, his 4th water to date, all of which have been done this season.

NFC and our volunteers have posted an amazing 374 signs on 250 waters. This represents 43% of the total State Heritage Fish waters, and 49% of those we have permission to post signs on.

To understand the magnitude of this accomplishment, the majority of Maine’s State Heritage Fish waters are in the undeveloped townships and outside the power grid. Most are accessible by dirt road only, many require a walk on a trail to reach, and some are trailless, requiring a GPS to find your way in.

ME State Heritage Fish Waters (2017).jpg

While restrictions resulting from COVID-19 delayed our start this season, and has lessened the overall participation to some degree, we have been able to post 50 waters so far this season, and still have a few months to go. Our goal is to reach 75 or more, and with help, this is attainable.

If you would like to help, click here to learn more.

Special thanks to everyone who has helped make this important wild native fish initiative a reality: Chandler Woodcock, former Commissioner Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife; David Trahan, Executive Director Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine; Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund; Emily Bastian, former NFC Maine Chair and current National Vice Chair; and all the volunteers who have hit the woods on their own time and dime to post signs. Without their support, this wouldn’t be possible.