Fly Fisherman Magazine Spotlights Three NFCers
The aptly named, “Native Trout”, June-July 2022 issue of Fly Fisherman magazine features spotlights on two NFC members and quotes and cameos from another.
“In most ways, Topher is a typical young teenager who enjoys playing with his friends, practicing and playing the piano and violin, and playing tennis and hockey. A lover of the outdoors, he also enjoys skiing, hiking, camping, and fishing. But there is more to Topher’s story, much more.”
First up is a piece about NFC National Advisory Council member Topher Jones written by NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard.
“Bastian has walked a long, diverse path to her current role as vice chair of the NFC.”
Next up is a piece about NFC founding member and National Vice Chair Emily Bastian written by staff writer Brian Irwin.
Lastly, in addition to contributing the piece about Topher, Bob is quoted and mentioned in the article about Emily, as well as being quoted in another piece about Scientific Anglers new small stream Absolute Creek leaders.