NFC Adopts Life Size Fish Art Sign Policy
NFC has adjusted our policy to more accurately represent wild native fish on our informational signage. Specifically, we will now show fish at their actual size so as to help lessen confusion and decrease species misidentification.
The first sign to get an overhaul was our watercress darter sign posted in Jefferson County, Alabama. Per NFC National Vice Chair - South, Dr. Matthew Lewis, “the approximately 8-inch representation of a watercress darter on our said has led to a lot of confusion.”
“I’ve been seeing some fish that look similar, but they are only around two and a half inches, not eight inches.”
NFC National Vice Chair - South, Dr. Matthew Lewis, with a revised watercress darter sign for Alabama waters…
The next sign to get reworked as a result of the new policy was NFC’s multi-state endangered sturgeon sign. NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard noted, “How can we expect people to understand that we are talking about a fish measured in feet, when we show a fish measured in inches?”
“The only sturgeon I’ve been seeing are those three or four footers, not the little eight inch ones you guys say are in trouble.”
NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard with a new endangered sturgeon sign…