Maine's Endangered Redfin Pickerel: Part II
“Every once in a while, an article strikes a chord with readers that you did not anticipate. My recent piece on redfin pickerel was one of those times... ”
As a result of a high level of interest and a number of unanswered questions from my recent article on Maine’s endangered redfin pickerel, I felt a follow-up was warranted to answer some of those questions and outline a path forward.
click here to read
“While redfin pickerel have no protection from angling in the fishing regulations, there also is no open hunting season on spruce grouse (a state-level Tier 3 Species of Greatest Conservation Need), cottontail rabbit (a state-level threatened species) and Canada lynx (a federal-level threatened species). Why are redfin pickerel not afforded the same level of protection?”