New book aims educate Maine anglers about troubled native fisheries
“As a native fish advocate, I would be remiss if I let the opportunity to tell the story of Maine’s fish and fisheries slip by. Would someone else cover Maine’s unique pond-dwelling wild native brook trout, rare Arctic charr, fascinating sea-run brook trout, or critically endangered Atlantic salmon? Would they talk about the problem Maine is having with invasive fish, and how the use of live fish as bait is behind much of it? Or say that moving bass, pike, muskies, and even nonnative salmonids around is a bad thing? Would they challenge stocking over wild fish and angler exploitation? ”
Catch NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard’s latest piece in Bangor Daily News. It talks about his most recent book, why he wrote it, and why we all need to do more to protect, preserve and restore Maine’s wild native fish.
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“This is because when you write a conservation book you are for the most part preaching to the choir, as the market is like-minded people.”