NFC Summer 2023 New Hampshire Outing...

Several NFC chapters got together in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire in August to spend a few days on the water and a few nights around the campfire. We had representation from MA, ME, VT, and NJ. Our first such event, we hope to get more folks involved next year and in other locations as well.

In attendance were National Chair Bob Mallard, National Chair Emily Bastian, National Vice Chair - North Brian Cowden, MA Chair Bob Dalton, NJ Chair John Kosar, VT Vice Chair Jed Feffer, MA Secretary Spencer Belson, MA board member Bill Holleran, and VT board member Chris Owen.

One uninvited guest, a local named Ursus americanus, visited the campsite at least two nights, walking all over John’s truck, chewing Chris’ leather-bound journal, and eating someone’s coconut sun lotion. While some were woken by our guest and suggested he went elsewhere, others slept right through it.

Friday and Saturday, the early crew went out for Chinese food in town. Sunday night we had a group cookout at the camp site. Folks fended for themselves after that.

While the water was high and a bit off-color in some places, folks caught fish and in fact, the fishing exceeded our expectations. Each day folks paired off and headed to different spots to try out. Everything fished well, from large rivers to small streams. Many fished water they had never seen.

Special thanks to Bob Dalton, MA Vice Chair Kyle White, and John Kosar for coordinating the event.