NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard challenges how funds from a proposed fishing license fee increase will be used.
When you consider what Maine has to work with, a wild native fish resource that is unmatched in the region, you have to question why the state is spending so much money on hatcheries…
“What started out as a win for wild native fish has turned into what appears to be just an increase in user fees and more money for hatcheries and general operations. And as often happens, IFW has shifted much of the financial burden from those who benefit most by the resource, residents, to nonresidents who impact the resource the least due to their transient nature... ”
NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard challenged a recent reversal in regard to how funds from a proposed fishing license fee increase would be used. While the bill, LD77, started as a positive step forward for wild native fish in Maine, it was hijacked by special interests and turned into a hatchery funding bill…
“The amended LD77 is contrary to the direction IFW should be going as it places a higher value on stocked fish than wild native fish... ”