Fund Raiser: Dissolved Oxygen Meter...

NFC wants to know what impact 3-feet of decaying organic matter is having on dissolved oxygen on this project stream…

Much of what NFC does involves assessing the general health of streams to determine what does, can, and cannot live there.  This includes water temperature, flow, and light penetration monitoring, as well as chemical and eDNA testing.   

NFC continues to encounter situations where low dissolved oxygen from warm water temperature, high nutrients, and decaying organic matter, along with salinity from stormwater run-off may be a limiting factors in regard to supporting fish and other aquatic lifeforms. 

Using a recent $500 donation from a supporter as a starting point, NFC is looking to raise money to procure a Pro2030 Dissolved Oxygen and Conductivity Meter and applicable attachments from YSI.  The unit will also allow NFC to test water temperature at depths of up to twelve feet which we cannot do today. 

NFC needs to raise another $2,000 to purchase this invaluable piece of equipment.  Please consider donating to help make this happen. 

Thank you for your support, we really appreciate it.  Native Fish Coalition is a national 501(c)(3) conservation organization.  Your donation is tax deductable.