New Hampshire NFC Table at New Hampshire Outdoor Expo...

NH NFC board member Matt Fixler, NH Governor Kelly Ayotte, and NH NFC Chair Aliess John…

While tabling at the New Hampshire Outdoor Expo in Milford, NFC was able to speak with numerous sportsmen and outdoor enthusiasts including NH Governor Kelly Ayotte, retired NHFG biologist Eric Orff, and members of Squan-a-Tissit chapter of TU.

Unlike many fly fishing centric orgs and non-fish conservation groups, NFC understands the value and importance of attending general outdoor shows and events. These events reach a much broader audience than fly fishing shows, are not simply preaching to the choir, and while state movers and shakers rarely attend fly fishing events, they often show up for general outdoor events…

special thanks to NH NFC Chair Aliess John, vice chair stephen rock, and board members matt fixler and jeff moore for stepping up to make this important event happen.

NH NFC board member Matt Fixler, NH NFC Chair Aliess John, and retired NHFG biologist Eric Orff…

Members of Squan-a-Tissit chapter of TU speaking with NH NFC Vice Chair Stephen Rock…