November 2020. Looking for shore-spawning brook trout in the Lily Bay area of Moosehead Lake with a Gladius Mini underwater ROV. This area is now closed to ice fishing and will serve as a refuge for late spawning and overwintering wild brook trout. These trout are mostly 3 - 6 lbs. We later implanted radio transmitters in 8 of the males…
Read MoreVermont NFC Chair Chris Owen sent an open letter to the media in regard to a current, and long-awaited, proposal by VT Fish & Wildlife to reduce their highest-in-native-range 12-fish daily limit on brook trout in rivers and streams…
Read MoreSea-run brook trout, or salters, are best described as diadromous, fish that move between freshwater and saltwater. They are sometimes incorrectly referred to as anadromous — saltwater fish that spawn in freshwater, but salters live and spawn in freshwater, moving into saltwater for food and thermal refuge…
Epic’s 7’6” 4-weight 5-piece Studio Built FastGlass Packlight fly rod is the ultimate backcountry stream fly rod…
Read MoreNFC’s position in regard to hatcheries and stocking is well-documented. As we have said repeatedly, while you can stock yourself into trouble, you can rarely stock you way out of it…
Read MoreOur friends at the Cambridge and Boston Massachusetts Patagonia stores have recognized NFC as their Environmental Non-Prof of the Month…
Read MoreNFC Executive Director Bob Mallard talks about “Social Engineering” as a management tool in Northwoods Sporting Journal as part of a monthly native fish conservation column.
Read MoreAs part of a guest fish conservation column in Bangor Daily News, Native Fish Coalition Executive Director Bob Mallard challenges Maine Department of Inland Fisheries ad Wildlife in regard t harvesting fish…
Read MoreNFC believes that a well-designed and properly used net is good for fish, especially small ones…
Read MoreBob Mallard reports in this, the sixth in our Conservation series, failures have occurred across the spectrum, with inconsistent and lackadaisical state management as well as regulatory confusion dictating outcomes…
Read MoreOn Sunday we drew a winner for the Lacina custom trout net. A beautiful one-of-a-kind piece with an inlaid NFC logo, the winner, ticket #009, is Andrew from North Pole, Alaska…
Read MoreGeorge Smith, Maine's most influential outdoor sporting figure, recently passed away. George was a friend of NFC, and a strong ally for native fish. He was a member of Maine NFC’s Advisory Council since soon after NFC was formed, and right up until he passed…
Read MoreSea-run brook trout, or salters, are best described as diadromous, fish that move between freshwater and saltwater. They are sometimes incorrectly referred to as anadromous — saltwater fish that spawn in freshwater, but salters live and spawn in freshwater, moving into saltwater for food and thermal refuge…
Read MoreThe Native Fish Coalition’s mission is to protect, preserve, and restore wild native fish populations through stewardship of the fish and their habitats. Founded in 2017, the group is largely made up of fly fishing and conservation enthusiasts from the Northeast US. They’ve dedicated their work to the memory of Dr. Robert J. Behnke, a prolific fisheries biologist, and hero to trout fishers everywhere…
Read MoreBut they persist in Maine, home to 90 percent or more of the salters found in America today, as much by accident as design…
Read MoreAfter decades of increasing protections for Maine’s unique salmonid resources, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IFW) is now in a pattern of liberalizing regulations under the guise of “simplification” and “opportunity”…
Read MoreA New Hampshire legislator recently advanced a piece of legislation for an individual that would redefine the meaning of brook trout. While well-meaning, and timely as it opens the door for further discussion, it is not the way to do it for several reasons, and it is likely DOA…
Read MoreNFC knows the path they have chosen is daunting. To assure progress they have assembled a small but dedicated core group of enthusiastic members and supporters in Pennsylvania and other states to move their mission forward…
Read MoreThe name rolls off the tongue like cool water slides through mossy cobbles in a shaded mountain stream. And fitting that it should; it translates to little salmon of the fount, or spring. Eastern brook trout is a member of the salmonid family and shares many physical characteristics, but it is neither a salmon nor a trout. Fish in the Salvelinus genus are collectively called char and, along with the brook trout, include bull trout, lake trout, dolly varden, and Arctic char…
Read MoreBefore you can get people to work to protect something, you need to let them know they are there…
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