Defying the Endangered Species Act at the state level is bad science, bad politics

By the time the federal government lists a species as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act, it has been deemed to be at risk of going extinct across all or a significant portion of its native range. State ESA laws are not intended to challenge federal listings, but allow for state-only listings, and up-listing (threatened to endangered), when the situation at the state level is worse than it is at the national level. Failing to list a federally-listed species at the state level flies in the face of the intent of both federal and state law…

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Native Fish Coalition Founds Alabama Chapter, Reaching Beyond Salmonids

The Native Fish Coalition’s mission is to protect, preserve, and restore wild native fish populations through stewardship of the fish and their habitats. Founded in 2017, the group is largely made up of fly fishing and conservation enthusiasts from the Northeast US. They’ve dedicated their work to the memory of Dr. Robert J. Behnke, a prolific fisheries biologist, and hero to trout fishers everywhere…

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