BRIAN COWDEN is a Principal at Trout Scapes River Restoration LLC. Prior to co-founding Trout Scapes, Brian spent years as a volunteer and staff member with Trout Unlimited, including seven years as the Musconetcong Home Rivers Initiative Coordinator on their Eastern Conservation Staff where he helped restore and protect a major Wild & Scenic tributary to the Delaware River. Brian has received several awards for his work in conservation including the President’s Coastal America Award along with partners in the Lower Musconetcong River Restoration Partnership, New Jersey Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs Conservationist of the Year (George P. Howard Award) and a National Youth Education Leadership Award from Trout Unlimited. Brian also served as the V.P. of Sales & Marketing for a Montana based river restoration firm. He served as NFC’s first NJ Chair, and currently serves on the NJ Advisory Council and on NFC’s National Advisory Council as a habitat specialist. Brian can be reached at