TOM DICKENS is a founding member of Native Fish Coalition, and in fact, the founding member. To be fair and clear, if it were not for Tom Dickens there would be no Native Fish Coalition. After listening to a Maine legislative hearing online in regard to a bill submitted by Maine NFC Advisory Council member George Smith and supported by NFC founding members Bob Mallard and Emily Bastian, Tom contacted Bob to discuss how having the backing of a formal organization would have increased our odds of winning the bill. While the bill failed, it was the impetus of the now heralded North Zone live bait restriction by rule not exception. Tom came up with the name for NFC, had a friend design the logo, built the core of the website NFC still uses today, drafted the NFC bylaws, etc. He did all of this on his own time and dime. Tom also served as NFC’s first Executive Director. NFC owes a great debt to Tom for his vision, generosity, and help. Tom is a former commercial fisherman, political consultant to RNC, and a professional fishing and hunting guide who has worked all over the country.