NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard and Jeff Moore posting the first Maine State Heritage Fish Water sign.
JEFF MOORE was born and raised in Massachusetts. He learned to fish, mostly for trout, with his father and older brother in the 1960’s & 1970’s. While they fished mostly Massachusetts waters, they also ventured to the Sandy River area south of Rangeley, Maine. He also remembers when the Kennebec River in Maine was still used to float logs to the mills in Skowhegan and Madison. Jeff is the past President of the Franklin Rod and Gun Club in Massachusetts. A friend of NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard dating back to elementary school, they reconnected in the fall of 2006, where Jeff developed an interest in wild native fish conservation. Since then, he has helped Bob post informational signs on the first six State Heritage Fish waters in Maine to receive them, the first tribal waters to be posted, and he was with Bob and NFC National Chair Emily Bastian when they posted the 200th water. Jeff is NFCs best reconnaissance person, going wherever he is asked whenever he is asked. He can be reached at
Jeff Moore with Penobscot tribal member “Lobster Daylight.”