DRYDEN ELIASON was born and raised in Rhode Island. He is an Environmental Studies major minoring in Sustainability at Colby Sawyer College in New London, New Hampshire, and will be attending the School For Field Studies Center for Sustainable Food Systems in Italy. Dryden continues a family tradition of fishing, hunting, and conservation, learning to fly fish at 9-years-old on a trip to Alaska. He spends as much time as possible pursuing wild native fish in saltwater and freshwater with his father. Dryden completed a fly-fishing guide course with The Montana Fly-Fishing Guide School in May 2023. During the summer of 2023, he was a sustainability intern and photographer at Clean Ocean Access in Middletown, Rhode Island, where he led lessons on conservation and sustainability to camp students. Dryden participated in a year-long Community Based Research Project to help improve the water quality and prevent Cyanobacteria blooms in Pleasant Lake in New London, NH. He hopes to combine photography, fly-fishing, and his degree in Environmental Studies to help bring attention to important environmental issues and the conservation of wild native fish and their habitats. Dryden can be reached at Info@NativeFishCoalition.org