NH NFC Formally Opposes Proposed Breeder Pond Dam Removal
“In most cases NFC supports the removal of dams and other structures that restrict fish passage. However, there are times when the negative impacts outweigh the benefits, and if this project goes forward as planned, we believe this is one of those times.”
Breeder Pond is a small pond just upstream of Profile Lake in Franconia Notch, New Hampshire. A small dam at the outlet prevents fish-passage. While the status of the pond and the approximately 1/3 of a mile of stream above is unclear, juvenile brook trout have been confirmed by New Hampshire Fish and Game in the raceway below the dam, and are as likely to have come from above the dam as below it. Per NHFG, the pond “…likely has a small population of wild [native brook] trout."
Profile Lake is a popular recreational fishery. It is heavily stocked with large adult brook trout. The pond is also home to a self-sustaining population of nonnative and invasive yellow perch. Per NHFG, “There are [no yellow perch] in the Breeder Pond as we speak…” There is also no intention to eradicate the yellow perch prior to removing the dam, nor any plans to suspend stocking on Profile Lake.
“There is no intent to restore wild brook trout to miles of stream. This area has been supported by hatchery fish for decades.”
NFC’s primary concern is that removal of the dam will allow stocked and nonnative fish to gain access to water they do not have access to today, and without a full understanding of what does or doesn’t live there. All new species introductions and stocking negatively impacts the ecosystem to at least some degree, and in some cases to a high degree. NFC believes that a population survey of Breeder Pond and the stream above would be prudent.
With no intention of suspending stocking on Profile Lake, the goals of the project are unclear, and ecologically unsound. NFC cannot support this effort as currently proposed because the negative impacts outweigh any positive gains.