ME State Heritage Fish Sign Volunteer Spotlight: Kerry Hegarty
Not much can stop NFC volunteer Kerry Hegarty working to help protect Maine’s State Heritage Fish waters.
Kerry Hegarty is one of the superstars of Maine NFC’s volunteer State Heritage Fish Informational Sign project, the largest of its kind that we are aware of. With over 575 waters to post, most of which are off the grid and accessible by dirt road only, many of which require a hike to reach, and some of which are trailless, this is a monumental effort.
To date, Kerry has posted 42 signs on 33 waters. He has the 4th highest sign count, and the 2nd highest water count. What’s most amazing is that Kerry posts as many, or more, signs in the dead of winter as he does during the spring, summer and fall. And he does most of his posting in northern Somerset County, an area known for its harsh weather and remoteness. Kerry involves family, friends, and the family dog, and he uses a snowmobile and snowshoes to post signs…
Special thanks to Kerry for all his hard work, and for stepping up in support of Maine’s invaluable and irreplaceable State Heritage Fish waters. We couldn’t do this without the support of folks like Kerry.