NFC Helps MD Department of Natural Resources Post New Brook Trout Signs
Maryland Department of Natural Resources biologist Daniel Goetz and Pennsylvania NFC Chair Philip Light posting a streamside sign advising anglers of the law requiring them to release all native brook trout.
The Pennsylvania chapter of NFC worked with Maryland Department of Natural Resources to develop and post informational signs on the states catch-and-release brook trout waters.
As reported earlier by NFC, Maryland has stepped up in regard to wild native brook trout. They have removed brook trout from their hatchery system, and imposed catch-and-release regulations on brook trout across a wide range of waters.
Special thanks to PA NFC Chair Philip Light, MD DNR Freshwater Fisheries Manager of Statewide Operations Daniel Goetz, NFC Technologist Ben Brunt, and NFC National Vice Chair Emily Bastian for working to make this happen. Pictures courtesy of Audrey Light.