Massachusetts Gets First Informational Sturgeon Signs
MA NFC Board Member Christopher Fisk and his twin children posting the first sturgeon signs in Massachusetts.
As part of a multi-state project, NFC worked with NOAA Fisheries and Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries to develop an informational sign pertaining to the presence of federally endangered shortnose sturgeon, and threated Atlantic sturgeon.
As part of the project, MA NFC Board Member Christopher Fisk and his family posted the first seven signs at important access points on the Connecticut River downstream of the Turners Falls–Gill Bridge, sometimes referred to as the Gill–Montague Bridge, in Montague, Massachusetts.
While in the area, Chris dropped a sign off at Deerfield Fly Shop, where it will be seen by local anglers. We look to do the same in other area with regard to fly shops, fishing shops, and bait and tackle shops.