ME NFC Posts Sea-Run Brook Trout Informational Signs in Midcoast Maine
A wild native sea run brook trout from Maine
ME NFC in partnership with Maine Department of Marine Resources and Sea Run Brook Trout Coalition, have developed an informational sign for Midcoast and southern Maine sea-run brook trout rivers and streams.
These signs are similar to those we developed for the Downeast region, except in our standard 12”x18” aluminum format versus the experimental 9”x11” corrugated plastic we used Downeast.
Starting late April 2022, signs were posted at kiosks on the Ducktrap River and Tanglewood 4-H Camp & Learning Center in Camden Hills State Park. Signs will continue going up as our volunteers get out into the field.
Special thanks to ME NFC Chair Tom Johnson and National Vice Chair Emily Bastian for getting the project off the ground, George’s River TU for helping with coordination, and Tom and Rich Bouchard and Jessica Decke from Tanglewood 4-H Camp & Learning Center for posting the signs.