Upper Deerfield Watershed in Vermont Gets Informational Brook Trout Signs

The Vermont chapter of NFC worked with U.S. Forest Service, Vermont Fish & Wildlife, and Connecticut River Valley TU to develop an informational sign for the upper Deerfield River watershed wild native brook trout. These signs have or will be posted on municipal land, National Forest land, and land owned by Great River Hydro. To date, 12 signs have been posted and there are plans to post several more.

The project arose from the USFS public input process for the Somerset region of Green Mountain National Forest. NFC comments included recommending informational signage.

Special thanks to VT NFC board members Paul Bugeja (Vice Chair), Tim Hayes (Secretary), Chris Owen (Chair), and David Wein, NFC National Vice Chair Emily Bastian, Connecticut River Valley TU members Richard Smith, Kevin Stine (Treasurer), and Jack Widness (Vice President), Scott Wixsom of GMNF, Matt Cole of Great River Hydro, and volunteers Noah and Eli Wein, and Blake Janovsky.