Massachusetts NFC Assists MA F&W With E-Fishing
Banded sunfish. (Jeff Moore)
On August 5th, Massachusetts NFC board member Jeff Moore helped MA Fish and Wildlife e-fish a small stream less than 15 miles southeast of Boston.
Two 100-meter sections of stream were surveyed. The water temperature was roughly 72-75 degrees, with slightly cooler water encountered at a spring seepage.
Mostly small redfin pickerel were captured along with a few small American eel, with a larger eel lost at the net. One banded sunfish and one nonnative largemouth bass were encountered as well. No Brook trout were found.
This is one of the ways that NFC is different than other fish-centric conservation organizations. We go beyond trout, and beyond gamefish.
It all starts with data and understanding what’s where, and what’s not. But it shouldn’t end there, as it’s what we do with the data that really counts…
Redfin pickerel. (Jeff Moore)
American eel. (Jeff Moore)