Tenkara Event Funds Native Fish Conservation Initiative in New Hampshire...
NFC was recently a financial beneficiary of a multi-day Tenkara event sponsored by Red Brook Tenkara and held in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire. The event drew over 60 Tenkara enthusiasts from as far south as South Carolina.
Money raised at the event through a raffle, along with money raised by NFC while tabling at Big Day Brewing in Gorham, New Hampshire, as part of the event will be used to help mitigate damage to the riparian area of a small stream as a result of logging.
the tenkara/nfc connection
“Small streams are the most native centric waters we have left. They are the last stronghold for wild native trout in most states, and in many cases the only coldwater ecosystems that have escaped stocking. Tenkara is the most small stream centric form of fishing. Therefore, it is fair to assume that tenkara is the most native centric form of fishing.”
In early 2023, NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard wrote about the synergy between tenkara, small streams, and wild native fish in Tenkara Angler. The recent Tenkara event and subsequent wild native fish habitat work it helped to fund reinforces this belief…
In addition, South Carolina NFC Vice Chair Amanda Hoffner, known as Lady Tenkara Bum on the internet, is on the staff of Tenkara Angler. She is also a regular contributor to the publication.
project background - impact study
One of two temp loggers deployed upstream and downstream of the logged area.
NFC stumbled on a recently logged riparian area two falls ago while looking for fish-blocking rock dams left by summer recreationists. Wanting to understand what impact the cutting was having on the stream, NFC deployed temperature loggers upstream and downstream of the logged area for the 2023 season.
While not a huge issue, at least in what was an unsually cool and wet year, the results were clear, the logged area was having a negative impact on stream temperature…
project background - mitigation assessment
NFC Executive Director Bob Mallard measuring the distance between cut trees.
NFC recently went onsite to assess the damage, see how things have progressed since last fall, get some measurements of the logged area, and take an inventory of tree species in the surrounding area. This data will be used to develop a plan to replant the affected area.
NFC National Chair Emily Bastian measuring the length of the hill leading down to the stream.
next steps
NFC looks to replace trees lost to logging and stabelize a short hill leading down to the stream.
NH NFC will use the money raised at the Tenkara event to replant a short section of stream as well as a small hill leading down to it. We will also be rechanneling a small spring seepage which course was altered and interupted by heavy equipment.
why unnamed brook?
Most reading this will never see Unnamed Brook, which is not it’s real name. Even fewer will fish it. And unless you do find it and fish it, you will never see what NFC has done. And that is fine with us…
A typical wild native brook trout from Unnamed Brook.
Unnamed Brook is about fish not fishing. You would be hard-pressed to find a brook trout longer than 5 inches in the stream. Most fish encountered would be less than 4 inches long. And at certain times of year the stream is too low and overgrown to effectively fly fish.
Unanmed Brook is however an unstocked stream with a population of wild native brook trout and no competing species. It is a tributary to another unstocked wild native brook trout stream. In total, the two streams represent over 5 miles of unstocked wild native brook trout water.
This project is also about using money donated to us, and what we raise on our own, as close to the source as possible whenever possible. In this case that means working less than 15 miles as the crow flies from where the Tenkara event was held. We want people who attended the event to feel good about how their money was used…
in recognition of…
Amanda Hoffner and Luong Tam of Tanuki Tenkara.