NFC Spotlights Lake- and Pond-Dwelling Brook Trout on Travelling Exhibit...

Chance, the travelling brook trout exhibit by artist Joey Rizzo…

NFC was recently connected with artist Joey Rizzo by our fiends at Downeast Salmon Federation. Joey has a travelling 6-foot brook trout exhibit called “Chance” that has been making the rounds through New England at stores and events.

As part of the exhibit, Joey has included a kiosk created by DSF that spotlights sea-run brook trout. Another covers brook trout in general. Joey offered NFC an opportunity to include a kiosk as well. NFC opted to spotlight lake- and pond-dwelling brook trout.

The NFC kiosk should be afixed to the exhinit in time for its move from Massachusetts to Connecticut in a couple of weeks. Once it is done we will post some pictures of the exhibit and DSF and NFC kiosks.

Joey may be including a NFC Maine State Heritage Fish sign as well.

SPECIAL THANKS TO Joey for including us, and dwayne shaw and Claire Bailey at downeast salmon federation for making the introduction and for their help with logistics.

NFC decided to spotlight the unique lake- and pond-dwelling brook trout life history strategy…