NFC Meetings


When it comes to meetings, what works for one does not work for all. Some people like meetings, some do not. Some people need meetings, some do not. There is no perfect solution... 

Do not feel slighted or ineffective if meeting attendance is low. What is most important is that board members step up to help get things done. Some people simply want to work, and all they need is to be told what to do, how to do it, where to do it, and when to do it.  

 The key to effective meeting management is flexibility and consistency. And to be clear, much/most of what can be accomplished in meetings can be done via email. 


  • No meeting at any level in NFC should be mandatory, and no one should feel obligated or pressured to attend any meetings.

  • While in-person meetings are great when practical, all meetings should have a Zoom option for those who do not want to travel or are too busy to do so.

  • Don't spend time trying to gain consensus in regard to meeting date/time, just schedule them and let the chips fall where they may.

  • Meetings should be scheduled for after work hours. They should be scheduled for Monday through Thursday only. Friday night meetings are typically poorly attended and rightfully so, and no meetings should be scheduled for the weekend.

  • Recurring meetings should be scheduled well in advance and for the same day each month. Zoom allows for simple recurring scheduling based on x-day-of-month, i.e., 1st through 4th Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. While some months have a 5th day option, this is not always the case so avoid trying to schedule such.

  • If a scheduled meeting falls on a holiday, simply skip it and pick it up next month.

  • Always have someone, ideally the Secretary, take meeting minutes and send them out to the entire group within a couple/few days of the meeting. This is sufficient in regard to keeping members who do not attend up to date with what is going on.


  • Monthly Chapter Meetings: Meetings should begin by discussing open items from the last meeting. New items should be discussed next. Members should be given the opportunity to speak at the end of the meeting.

  • Project-Specific Meetings: Scheduled as needed.

  • Bi-Monthly State Chair Meetings: The intention of State Chair meetings is to allow chapters to share ideas in regard to projects, shows, events, etc. This will facilitate cross-chapter ideas, involvement, and support. While some have requested that we break the State Chair meeting into two regional meetings hosted by the applicable National Vice Chair, this would eliminate the opportunity for inter-region bordering states to discuss what could be common issues. We also believe that what applies to Maine could also apply to Arkansas and vice versa. One and ideally both National Vice Chairs where possible will attend the State Chair meetings to answer questions and provide information and direction. For these meetings to be effective, someone will need to consolidate what was discussed and forward it to national so we can respond accordingly. State Chairs are best served by focusing on projects and shows/events, not schwag, finance, administration, and other national functions. If there is something outside of state-related issues you are having a problem with, please address it privately with National so that it doesn't become a distraction at the meeting.

  • Quarterly All-NFC Meetings: The intention of all-NFC meetings is for National NFC to be able to get in front of board members we do not typically communicate with. These meetings will be hosted by the Executive Director and National Chair. The format will be very informal and consist of general updates and open Q&A.


Due to the fact that NFC is a volunteer centric organization, and most board members have jobs, family, and other obligations, it is important that we minimize administration and inconvenience people as little as possible.

Internal NFCBob MallardComment