NFC Vice Chair Bob Mallard writes about the native fish of Baxter State Park in in Friends of Baxter State Park News…
Read MoreWhile working on signs for State Heritage Fish waters on Passamaquoddy tribal land, the Maine chapter of NFC talked to the tribe about a water on their land that has been eligible for inclusion in the program for over three years…
Read MoreMaine NFC does not necessarily agree with ME IFWs position that nonnative alewives entered Beech Hill Pond via an “illegal introduction,” which while it can mean any illegal act, implies to many a deliberate stocking…
Read MoreMaine NFC provides written testimony as to the management of fisheries resources in the new Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument...
Read MoreCustom State Heritage Fish sign for waters on Penobscot National tribal lands.
Read MoreSea-Run brook trout sign for Downeast Maine rivers and streams.
Read MoreNonnative and highly invasive smallmouth bass are well-established downstream of Middle Dam and throughout the Rapid River and Umbagog Lake, threatening the regions native brook trout and other species of fish and wildlife…
Read MoreNFC supports the proposal with the caveat that while it is a major step in the right direction, it falls short of what is needed to protect our wild native brook trout and charr in perpetuity…
Read MoreThe Maine chapter of Native Fish Coalition has taken a formal position regarding the Central Maine Power proposal to run a powerline through critical wild native brook trout habitat…
Read MoreWhile NFC absolutely sees the need to protect and preserve Maine’s rare Arctic charr, and at any cost, Arctic charr are not native to Henderson Pond and therefore this would constitute an “introduction” not a “restoration” or “reintroduction.”…
Read MoreIf this change is allowed to go through, Region A and York County, and the anglers who fish the area, will lose 25% or ¼ of its State Heritage Fish waters in the swipe of a pen. We must ask ourselves why now and what is the rush?…
Read MoreWe feel strongly that a “no-cut” buffer of 100 feet along ponds and streams is not enough to preserve the ecological, aesthetic, and recreational integrity of the resource and property. This is especially true since most cuts experience at least some level of additional tree loss after the fact due to wind. A buffer of at least 200 feet would be prudent when you consider what is at risk…
Read MoreThe rules in place for lake trout allow one fish to be taken per day. Since we are trying to use lake trout to keep the smelt in check, it would be prudent to protect these fish with a catch-and-release regulation rather than use supplemental stocking which comes with a cost and a number of risks such as disease and parasites, accidental fish introductions, etc…
Read MoreThe following letter was in response to an inquiry I made as to why the Park Service was not holding Acadia to the same standard as other National Parks in regard to fisheries management...
Read MoreDocuments associated with the Maine State Heritage Fish sign initiative.
Read MoreLetter granting NFC volunteers free day access to the North Maine Woods to put State Heritage Fish signs up.
Read MoreMaine rare Arctic charr sign.
Read MoreMaine Heritage Brook Trout sign.
Read MoreA proposal to impose a 25" maximum length limit on brown trout in coastal waters to protect adult endangered Atlantic salmon...
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